Private University of Exponential Development (UPDEX) - Scientific Research Journal Exponential Development

Broadened Scope: Scientific Research Journal Exponential Development (RICDE) – Forging Futuristic Avenues

The Scientific Research Journal Exponential Development (RICDE), proudly affiliated with the Private University of Exponential Development (UPDEX), serves as an indispensable bastion in the dissemination of knowledge, upholding rigorous peer review standards. Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated through the publication of original and previously unpublished contributions from a diverse array of national and international authors, emanating from the forefront of scientific and technological research. Our audience comprises researchers, students, academics, and professionals with competencies and interests across the spectrum of social and applied sciences. Employing a robust multidisciplinary approach, RIIC-DEX explores an extensive range of topics to cater to the varied intellectual pursuits of our readership.

At the heart of RICDE's mission is a dedication to advancing scientific development through the publication of multidisciplinary works that exhibit not only exceptional quality but also significant social relevance. We stand as a catalyst for the progression of science and the widespread assimilation of knowledge, adhering to stringent peer review processes. The findings we publish not only enrich the scientific community but also offer substantial contributions with tangible impact for the business sector and society at large.

Our expansive vision reaches beyond borders to position RICDE as a distinguished reference for scientific research in Latin America, earning recognition as a pivotal hub of academic productivity in the service of society. RICDE is unwaveringly dedicated to continually forging paths into the future, propelling research and innovation in the realm of exponential development, all while upholding the highest standards of rigorous peer review. Through these efforts, we aim to contribute significantly to the ongoing advancement of knowledge within our community and beyond, solidifying our standing as a beacon of scholarly excellence and a cornerstone of rigorous peer-reviewed research in the pursuit of a brighter and more informed future.