Private University of Exponential Development (UPDEX) - Scientific Research Journal Exponential Development

Journal of Exponential Development Research: Author Guidelines

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The Journal of Exponential Development Research, through its Editorial Fund, is pleased to announce that it not only welcomes book proposals but also provides a platform for the publication of scientific articles. The following are the updated guidelines for interested authors:

1. Submission of Proposals and Articles:

  • All book proposals and scientific article submissions should be sent to the Editorial Committee via email at
  • The proposal or article should include an executive summary, the objective of the book or article, theoretical framework, methodology (if applicable), and a brief description of the target audience.

2. Originality and Unpublished Work:

  • Submitted works must be entirely original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Authors should make an explicit statement regarding whether the material has been previously published or is under consideration elsewhere.

3. Manuscript Structure:

  • For scientific articles, adhere to formatting guidelines as per APA 7th edition, including style, margins, font, and spacing.
  • Provide a detailed table of contents, abstract, keywords, and acknowledgments (if applicable).
  • Use titles and subtitles to clearly organize the content of the article.

4. Citations and References:

  • Use APA 7th edition citation and reference format consistently throughout the manuscript.
  • Properly attribute and reference all sources, including images, graphics, and direct quotes.

5. Types of Articles:

  • Both review articles and scientific articles are accepted.
  • The journal's specialty encompasses Engineering and Process Sciences.

6. Peer Review Process:

  • All articles will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to assess academic quality, originality, and relevance.
  • Authors should be willing to make suggested revisions and respond constructively to reviewer comments.

7. Copyright and License:

  • Upon acceptance for publication, authors will transfer copyright to the Editorial Fund of Exponential Development UPDEX.
  • All published content will be governed by an International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0), allowing redistribution, remixing, adaptation, and commercial use with proper attribution.

8. Ethics and Plagiarism:

  • Authors are expected to adhere to ethical principles and avoid plagiarism in all forms.
  • The Editorial Fund will conduct investigations in cases of potential ethical violations or plagiarism.

9. Final Submission:

  • Authors must submit the final manuscript following instructions provided by the Editorial Fund and in accordance with APA 7th edition standards.
  • The submission should include a brief author biography and any relevant additional information.

Additionally, authors are reminded that the maximum allowable similarity percentage is 15%. We appreciate your collaboration and commitment to academic quality. Any inquiries or submissions of proposals and articles should be made exclusively to the email address We look forward to meaningful and valuable contributions to the scientific community in Engineering and Process Sciences!